This One Again Sales Plans as Well as a Red Gems

International buyers are driving a boom in need for Australian gems, with one Queensland family at the forefront.

Peter Brown, who owns a gem mine in the key Queensland town of Rubyvale, said countries such as People's republic of china were fuelling the boom.

Peter Brown

Mr Brown came to Rubyvale near 30 years ago.( ABC News: Peter Chocolate-brown )

His 2 sons, who previously left the family business to go into coal mining, have returned home to work by their father's side again.

The Browns mine the gems themselves earlier cutting the stones and turning them into fine jewellery.

"The prices just went ballistic about three years agone," Mr Brown said.

"They love to know that it's been mined here, and all the manufacturing is done hither.

Mr Brown came to Rubyvale in the 1970s when it resembled a frontier town.

"In that location's null similar finding your own precious gem, sapphire out of the ground, and belongings information technology up and seeing that bluish colour and knowing that sometimes that stone is worth more a month's worth of wages," he said.

"Australia is quite famous for its fancy coloured sapphires, the yellows, the greens, and the political party colours."

Inside Peter Brown's gem mine

A look inside Mr Brown's gem mine.( ABC News: Jonathan Pilus )

He said a crash in jewel prices a decade later made it hard to proceed mining.

"Something went incorrect in the world market, the whole speculative nail in diamonds dropped and the spending dropped by two-thirds."

Tyler Brown

Tyler Brownish left his chore in coal mining to render to his father's gem mine.( ABC News: Jonathan Pilus )

Jewellers Association of Australia's Brett Bolton said the whole industry was enjoying the recent boom.

"Information technology's growing all the time and will continue to grow," he said.

"As the market place becomes more and more enlightened of the coloured stones, and the astonishing colours coming out of the Australian mines, it will bulldoze demand, which will and so starting time really affecting supply."

Looking down a shaft leading into a gem mine in Rubyvale

A crash in gem prices in the 1980s led to difficult times in the manufacture.( ABC News: Jonathan Pilus )

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