What Is the Best Oil for House Hold Leather Seats

Leather is a natural textile that loses moisture over time, leading to cracks and breaks. It's important to maintain it with leather oil or conditioner that helps ensure information technology will retain the proper levels of moisture and flexibility over time.

Leather oil is a natural or synthetic substance that, when added to leather, helps to moisturize and condition the fibers then they stay flexible and durable. It can be composed of a singular oil, or a blend of oils, fats, waxes, and other conditioning agents mixed a specialized formula.

While leather requires periodic maintenance to go along it in keen shape, it is certainly well worth it. Let's see more almost when to employ leather oil and which ones work best.

What is Leather Oil?

Leather oil is a conditioning substance applied to leather in guild to moisturize and protect the fibers from drying, cracking, and breaking apart. Some, such every bit mink oil, are naturally-derived oils that tin be applied directly to some leather surfaces. Other leather oils are specially-blended mixes of natural and synthetic oils, fats, and waxes.

Popular Leather Conditioners - Leather Oil - Liberty Leather Goods

Pop Leather Conditioners

Some leather oils only provide conditioning, helping restore some of the natural moisture to the materials. Others add some water resistance, and even waterproofing qualities to the leather. The selection of which leather oil to use volition depend on the leather skilful beingness oiled, and preference for its finished result.

For example, heavier leather oils might be used on thicker leathers used for heavy jobs, such as work boots, some saddlery, and tool belts. While, finer leathers used for dress shoes and accessories might benefit from a much lighter oil formula and a suitable polish. We'll explore more than below.

When to Utilize Leather Oil

When owning a natural leather good, at some point it's likely it will demand to exist oiled and conditioned. This is totally normal. Leather is comprised of natural fibers. Over time, exposure to the elements such as rut, sun, dirt, rain, and grime will describe out some of its natural wet. This can atomic number 82 to drying, lightening of the colour, and ultimately swell of the leather material.

"Thus, proper oiling and workout of leather is a bang-up way to maintain leather goods for decades."

Once the material cracks and flakes, it's weakened and very difficult to repair. Thus, proper oiling and workout of leather is a great style to maintain leather goods for decades. There are a few signs when ane might want to oil leather:

Every few months (proactive maintenance)

Ideally, like most things, proactive maintenance will help keep larger problems from coming up, and prevent leather damage that will require far more than just oiling/workout. For items that are used oftentimes and in tough weather (sun, heat, rain, daily use, etc.), conditioning every few months can exist helpful. For items used less oftentimes or in lighter weather condition, oiling every 6 months to a year should exist enough.

It begins to lighten in colour

Leather begins to lighten in colour as moisture is lost. If y'all notice it doing so, information technology might exist a sign that it needs oiling and conditioning

It becomes less flexible and somewhat stiff

Once leather loses wet for a prolonged period of time, information technology tin become stiff, and even rigid. This is definitely a sign that is tin use oil/conditioning

Small-scale cracks begin to appear

Once the flexibility is lost, the leather fibers volition begin to scissure as it's bent, moved, and used. If cracks appear, it's a sure sign the leather is dry out and needs leather oil/conditioning.

It's relatively easy to apply leather oil. Once familiar with the process, the trickiest role might just be remembering when to exercise it 🙂

Types of Leather Oil

Choosing the proper leather oil is very important, and an oil that works bully for a specific type of leather tin can easily damage another. There are several high-quality options available, some of the more than popular include:

Mink Oil

Saphir Leather Conditioner Oil - Leather Oil - Liberty Leather Goods

Saphir Leather Conditioner with Mink Oil Base of operations

Mink oil has been used for centuries to oil leather. It is a naturally derived substance, from the mink fauna. Mink oil is valued in big part due to it'south unsaturated fatty acid composition, which makes up about 70% of the oil. These fats are what helps give the leather fibers flexibility. The other 30% of mink oil composition is made upwards of other types of fatty acids.

In more recent times, "Mink oil" has evolved to not but infer natural mink oil, though other oils similarly produced from other animals such as pigs, and mixed with other lubricants.

The oil isn't also heavy, when applied lightly, and works to slowly penetrate deep into the leather fibers. Information technology's is as well used extensively in the human cosmetic industry, where it's benefits are realized when applied to people too via cosmetics.

Neatsfoot Oil

Neatsfoot oil is an oil conditioner that'southward nigh unremarkably associated to exist made from the bones and feet of cattle, though tin can sometimes come from other hoofed animals. As the oil is produced, it is oftentimes blended with other oils and petroleum-based substances to create a conditioner that has been used often in oiling leather. Neatsfoot oil is a general term, and so dissimilar brands might have very different formulations even though "neatsfoot oil" is in the proper name.

Neatsfoot Oil - Leather Oil - Liberty Leather Goods

Neatsfoot Oil – Freedom Leather Goods

However, the chemical composition of neatsfoot oil also makes it prone to oxidizing over fourth dimension. This is especially true for older leathers. This, applying this oil will aid condition the leather in the short-term, though speed up information technology's decomposition in the long-term, making information technology brittle and prone to cracking.

Thus, is about cases, it would be brash to utilize a dissimilar leather oil for whatever goods that will be kept for long periods of time. The aforementioned is true for whatever goods where the general look/finish is to be maintained.


Lexol is an aqueous emulsion (water-based substance) that does not contain whatever silicone or petroleum-based solvents or substances. This helps it penetrate the leather fibers deeply and evenly. Lexol also is non-toxic, is non combustible, and is not greasy. This makes it a very different leather oil/conditioner than most others. It is very gentle, and constructive.

Lexol Leather Conditioner - Leather Oil - Liberty Leather Goods

Lexol Leather Conditioner

The oils used are held within the h2o-based emulsion evenly, so when applied to leather they spread consistently beyond the surface and into the fibers. Oftentimes, leather with Lexol applied does not feel tacky after it dries. Since it is so gentle, non-toxic, piece of cake to work with, and leaves great result, Lexol is 1 of the best leather oils/conditioners for many types of leather appurtenances. In full general, it should not exist used on suede or nubuck leather.


Some folks utilise common oils such as olive oil, canola oil, vegetable oil, etc. While these might add together some moisture dorsum into the leather, they might exist a little likewise heavy for applications exterior of saddlery and related uses. Outside of those uses, these heavier oils could oversaturate stain, and pb to faster decomposition of the leather fibers than with a more suitable oil.

The Best Leather Oils

Hither are some of the more pop leather oil brands:


This is a great all-around, not-toxic leather oil and conditioner suitable for most leather uses except suede and nubuck. Information technology tin can also exist used on finer, more delicate leathers where other leather oils might be too heavy.

Obenauf's Leather Oil

This is a blend of natural oils, propolis (a sticky, mucilage-similar substance produced by bees), and beeswax. This works well on medium-duty leathers such as jackets, bags, and upholstery.

Ruddy Wing Heritage Mink Oil

This is a mink oil formula that includes lanolin and silicone, intended mainly for boots. It helps oil and condition the leather, while also increasing water resistance of the leather's surface. This would be too heavy an oil for use on finer leathers, though excellent for casual/hiking/work boot apply.

Saphir Medaille d'Or Mink Oil Polish

This is a 100% pure, natural mink oil formula. It will penetrate the leather deeply, and likewise works on shoes. One of the challenges of oiling shoes is that some oils volition block the leather pores and preclude even application of a nice polish/polish. This formula from Saphir is formulated for shoes, and then is a great option when using it for that.

Sof Sole Mink Oil

This is an inexpensive and effective oil that volition condition and waterproof leather. Afterwards applying, it will likely grade a barrier on the leather that will be mostly un-removable. Besides, the polishing and shine of the surface will likely exist limited. Even so, for casual boots, work boots, some saddlery, and other heavily-used leather, this can be a great option to condition and waterproof it.

How to Apply Leather Oil

To moisturize leather and use leather oil, these steps will help go far successful:

Prep & Make clean

Leather gets dingy over time. Information technology could be from dirt, grit, mud, grime, oils from the skin, food, diverse stains, really anything that gets on the surface and into the fibers over fourth dimension. It'southward important to get-go make clean the leather, freeing up the clay and removing it. This will let the oil to penetrate the leather fibers much better.

"Prep the work surface past immigration a work expanse, roofing it with a protective layer of textile…"

Prep the work surface past clearing a work surface area, roofing it with a protective layer of material if desired (such every bit plastic or paper), and lay the leather good to exist cleaned on peak. Next, utilize a gentle leather cleaner, such as Lexol's leather cleaner, on the surface.

When choosing a cleaner, exist very cautious what's in it. Some with booze will not be preferable, every bit the alcohol will pull moisture out from inside the leather; the contrary of what we want to do. Also, some cleaners have a very high pH, which could impairment the leather. A more neutral pH cleaner is most recommended, so it'due south gentle on the material.

Utilise the cleaner to a lint-free material; this could be a microfiber cloth, or a cotton fabric. Gently rub information technology in small circles over the unabridged leather surface, all the fashion to the edges. It'south important the surface is cleaned all over, as it will take on a slightly darker color once the oil is added later on. Thus, whatever spots that aren't cleaned well will besides accept a different color later. The goal is to clean evenly, so the colour stays fifty-fifty.

Once the cleaner has been applied, let it dry per the instructions from the manufacturer. Usually for larger pieces, overnight is best, equally that allows enough time for it to thoroughly dry. Many factors tin influence dry time, such every bit leather thickness, how much cleaner was applied, ambient temperature, and ambient humidity.

Utilize Leather Oil – Moisturize the Leather

Next, we'll employ the leather oil. Get a lint free cloth, this could be a microfiber cloth, or a cotton cloth. Apply some oil to information technology, and gently rub information technology in small-scale circles over the leather surface. Ensure all areas of the surface have oil applied.

Apply in light coats. The leather volition darken slightly as the oil is practical, equally there is now more moisture in the fibers. If you lot feel it needs a lot of oil, apply in thin, light layers and allow to dry out before doing it again. This volition help ensure that not too much oil goes on, which could clog the leather pores and prevent proper finishing afterward (as well every bit a tacky, greasy experience).

Once the oil has been practical, let information technology dry per the instructions from the manufacturer. Similar to the cleaner, commonly for larger pieces, overnight is best, as that allows enough fourth dimension for it to thoroughly dry. Many factors can influence dry time hither besides, such as leather thickness, how much cleaner was applied, ambient temperature, and ambience humidity.

Apply Leather Finish (if desired)

Once the leather oil has been applied and dried, the leather has been oiled and conditioned. If you'd similar, a leather finish can be practical. The leather finish is usually a thin layer of a protective substance that seals in the leather underneath and protects information technology from dirt and water. The cease can also add visual appeal, be it a matte or shiny expect.

There are some finishes that are synthetic, such as acrylic. These form a waterproof seal, which is preferable for some uses, though overall not as desirable every bit other options. The acrylic surface will brand it hard to condition the leather in the future, since it's essentially a plastic coating sealing in the leather underneath.

More recommended would be a natural cease such equally beeswax. This volition protect the leather underneath, though also can be buffed away later if needed, to apply more than conditioner in the future. Likewise, finishes volition naturally wear abroad over fourth dimension just from use of the leather good. A natural finish will exist easier to work with in the long-run, plus, information technology oftentimes looks much better than acrylic finishes.

Farther, many shoe polishes are finishes with color pigments that closely match the shoes they're existence used on. This both help protect the leather underneath, while also hiding minor scratches and blemishes, due to the colour in the finish.

Once yous have a finish chosen, utilise some to a lint-free material. This could be a microfiber fabric or a cotton textile. Then, gently apply in small circles across the entire surface of the leather. Ensure the whole surface has been evenly treated. Then, check the instructions that came with the terminate you're using, and permit it dry per the manufacturer'southward recommended dry fourth dimension. This could be a few minutes, or hours, depending on the finish.

Once finished, utilise a clean, lint-free material and buff out the smoothen. Use small circles, lightly rubbing all over the surface. As you practise this, the surface will begin to accept on an even tone. If you're using a shiny smoothen, the surface will begin to accept a sheen and shine to it. Peachy! About at that place. Periodically bank check the cloth to ensure it'due south not too covered in finish. If it is, use some other clean cloth. The goal of buffing is to even the surface texture and remove excess polish. A clean material will be more than constructive than a dirty one when doing this.

After the surface has been buffed, you're all done! The leather good is looking great and prepare to exist used.

Common Leather Oil Questions

What is the all-time oil for leather?

The best oil for leather will mainly depend on the blazon of leather existence oiled. That said, mostly more natural, gentle oils volition be the best for whatever type of leather over constructed oils. For case, petroleum-based oils can have harsh long-term effects on leather, helping them dethrone faster. Neatsfoot oil is ane such leather oil.

Leather Conditioners - Leather Oil - Liberty Leather Goods

Popular Leather Conditioners

Oils derived from natural fats are generally more similar to those originally nowadays in the leather fibers, making them more suitable for conditioning leather. An example of a non-toxic leather oil that works very well is Lexol.

Also, lighter oils, applied every bit often as needed, are improve than heavier oils. Heavier oils can block the leather pores, stain the leather, or get in feel greasy. Lighter oils generally penetrate the leather more deeply, evenly, and don't have a noticeable experience to them.

Is oil bad for leather?

Oil is bully for leather. Information technology is naturally present and essential for soft, flexible leather that lasts decades or centuries. The key, is the type of oil. An oil parked incorrectly with the leather it is going on can brand the leather degrade faster, become weak, and fissure. The right oil applied to the leather skilful information technology'southward going on will nourish, condition, and soften the leather. This makes it flexible, supple, comfortable to use, and well-cared-for.

Is babe oil practiced for leather?

Generally, baby oil is not skillful for leather. It is a mineral oil and very thin. So while it volition penetrate the leather'south pores, information technology doesn't actually have enough fats as part of the oil to securely soften, and for extended periods, the leather. Leather-specific oils are much more than effective.

Is Vaseline good for leather?

No, vaseline is non good for leather. Since it is petroleum based, it will over fourth dimension accelerate the breakup of leather fibers. Besides, information technology will class a nigh-unremovable surface coating. This will preclude the leather from being properly conditioned in the future. A leather-specific oil will work much improve.

Vaseline Petroleum Jelly - Leather Oil - Liberty Leather Goods

Vintage Tin of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly

Is olive oil OK for leather?

Olive oil can be ok for some leathers, generally as a substitute for those where neatsfoot oil would be used. Olive oil usually won't darken the leather as much every bit neatsfoot oil. It'south generally practical to heavier, or tooled leathers. It would not be recommended to use olive oil on effectively leathers, shoes, or annihilation delicate. For those, apply a gentle, leather-specific oil.

What tin can I use instead of leather conditioner?

Olive oil tin be used, in some cases, instead of leather conditioner. For any fine leathers, shoes, or well-loved products it's recommended to apply a leather conditioner such as Lexol. However, if you're in a pinch and looking to condition some work boots, hiking boots, or leather that will see heavy use and doesn't need to look perfect, most any oil such as olive or vegetable oil can work. Worth noting, their composition might speed upward the breakdown of the leather long-term.

Tin I use coconut oil on my leather jacket?

Coconut oil is non recommended for utilise on a leather jacket. While it might have some uses in niche cases, in full general it's a very slippery oil that might not fully blot into the leather, leaving a slick surface that volition rub off onto other clothing and upholstery. In general, a leather-specific oil would be best.

Coconut Oil - Leather Oil - Liberty Leather Goods

Coconut Oil

Can you use olive oil on leather shoes?

It is not recommended to use olive oil on shoes. Shoe leather more often than not needs to be oiled/conditioned in such a way that the surface tin can also take a layer of smooth. Olive oil might leave too much of a tacky/greasy surface, non assuasive for an fifty-fifty coat of smoothen to exist practical.

Also, one time the olive oil is in the shoe leather, it would exist very difficult to successfully utilize a layer of proper leather oil on the shoes, since the olive oil layer would yet be present and tough to remove. Thus using it would take away the option of proper show care maintenance after. A leather-specific oil, intended for shoes, would be best here.

Tin I use vegetable oil on leather?

Vegetable oil, like olive oil tin be ok for some leathers, by and large every bit a substitute for those where neatsfoot oil would exist used. Vegetable oil commonly won't darken the leather as much as neatsfoot oil. Information technology's by and large applied to heavier, or tooled leathers. It would not exist recommended to use it on finer leathers, shoes, or anything delicate. For those, use a gentle, leather-specific oil.

Is beeswax good for leather?

Yes, beeswax is keen for leather. It'due south a natural substance that is used to provide a protective finish on leather goods. It helps seal moisture in the leather (from a leather oil or leather conditioner), and also provides a bit of water-resistance, further protecting the leather underneath it.

Leather Working Tools - Leather Oil - Beeswax


Does coconut oil darken leather?

Yes, kokosnoot oil will darken leather. Mostly, whenever oil is applied to leather, the color tone will darken a bit. The specific amount will vary based on many factors (such equally leather blazon, thickness, amount of oil applied, drying time between layers, etc.). While coconut oil is normally not recommended for utilise on leather, if used, it will darken the leather.

Does olive oil fix true cat scratches on leather?

Non actually, olive oil does not gear up scratches on leather. Applying whatever leather oil or conditioner to leather with scratches tin can help reduce the look of some scratches. This is mainly considering leather that is conditioned and nourished will swell a tiny chip, condign soft, supple, and a little darker. Thus, scratches will be a trivial darker and closer in color tone to the original leather, and a bit less noticeable.

Olive Oil - Leather Oil - Liberty Leather Goods

Olive Oil

Olive oil is generally not recommended to be used on leather, or leather upholstery. A leather repair kit is likely the all-time approach to fixing scratches on leather.

Is argan oil good for leather?

Argan oil is loftier in fat acids, which tin be good for leather (like to mink oil). Nevertheless, it is not recommended as a first pick for leather oil and leather conditioning. Also, argan oil could perform very similarly equally olive oil, leaving too much of a tacky/greasy surface, not allowing for an fifty-fifty coat of polish to exist applied later on.

If used for coincidental piece of work or hiking boots in a compression, it can work some. Though, information technology might touch the longevity of the leather. Information technology tin can likewise limit/prevent calculation more suitable oils afterward on, and the ability of polishes to be applied evenly.

How do you get oil out of leather?

Talcum powder or cornstarch can be used to aid remove oil from leather. Leather is naturally porous and absorbs oils/moisture. Thus, if an undesired oil stains the leather, information technology can be a scrap tricky to remove. To effort, place a liberal amount of talcum powder or cornstarch over the stain, and allow it sit to absorb the oil. Usually, overnight is best to permit fourth dimension for the talcum or cornstarch to draw some of the oil out.

"Talcum powder or cornstarch can be used to assist remove oil from leather."

Depending on how much oil is staining the leather, or how deep it is, multiple talcum/cornstarch applications might exist needed.

Tin can I use hair conditioner on leather?

It is not recommended to use hair conditioner on leather. Leather, as a natural substance, commonly reacts best with other natural conditioners, such as mink oil or beeswax. Pilus conditioner can contain a wide array of chemicals and ingredients that pb to weakening of the leather fibers over fourth dimension.

"It is non recommended to use pilus conditioner on leather. "

If you're in a existent compression and demand to condition a leather skillful or pair of boots that aren't very of import, this tin technically work in the short term. However, it'due south far ameliorate to utilise an oil/conditioner specifically intended for leather. Information technology volition provide a much meliorate outcome, and help maintain the leather for much longer (years/decades, etc.)

Tin can I put kokosnoot oil on leather boots?

Coconut oil is not recommended for utilize on leather boots. While it might accept some uses in niche cases (short term needs), in general it's a very glace oil that might not fully absorb into the leather, leaving a slick surface that will rub off onto clothing. In general, a leather-specific oil would be best.

Is linseed oil good for leather?

Linseed oil is mostly not a great choice for use on leather. In it'southward raw course, it tin can be heavy, a accept a long fourth dimension to thoroughly dry on the leather. Information technology also might begin to degrade/rot who it'southward drying, which would begin to deteriorate the leather.

Boiled linseed oil, a variation, is often combined with other chemicals that can be harsh to the leather. In the short term it can aid add and retain moisture, though in the long term it can atomic number 82 to faster wearing and cracking of the leather fibers. A leather-specific oil, such every bit Lexol, would piece of work much amend.

Is it easy to make homemade boot oil?

Generally, information technology'south best to employ a leather-specific oil to condition leather appurtenances. Yet, if you're in a pinch, or want to try a bootleg solution on some old boots or leather good that aren't needed for a long menstruum of time, information technology is certainly do-able.

"One recipe includes combining beeswax, sugariness almond oil, and cocoa butter…"

I recipe includes combining beeswax, sweet almond oil, and cocoa butter over low oestrus, periodically stirring while they blend. This will assist grade a nourishing conditioner that can exist applied to the leather. Again, something similar Lexol will be much improve for quality goods or long-term use. Though for some fun DIY on an old leather goods, bootleg boot oil can be made.

Leather Oil for Specific Uses

Let'southward look at some adept leather oils that piece of work well for different applications:

Leather Oil for Shoes

Shoe leather is usually a finer quality leather that requires a gentle, calorie-free oil. An oil similar Saphir Medaille d'Or Mink Oil Smoothen, or Lexol, would work well here.

Leather Oil for Saddles

Saddles are a thicker leather that crave a lot of oil and don't need to handled every bit delicately as, say, shoe leather. That said, a quality leather oil will help brand saddles and tack last a very long time. For saddles, mink oil tin can work well, and some folks use olive oil. Most recommended, though, is Lexol.


Leather Oil for Jackets

Leather jackets intendance usually a medium-weight leather that are intended to stay flexible and look great. Information technology's important a quality oil is used here. Mink oil is an choice, and about recommended, is Lexol. It's not-toxic, gentle on materials, penetrates the leather fibers deeply, and works very well.

Leather Oil for Couch

The best oil to utilize on a leather couch is probable Lexol. Leather couches see a lot of "traffic", thus it's important that an oil is used that will blot deeply without being sticky or tacky. Heavier oils can pose those issues, while lighter oils such every bit Lexol volition go along smoothen and not get out residue on the surface.

Leather Oil for Imitation Leather

Simulated leather by and large will not need conditioning in the same way that natural leather does. Thus, in most cases simulated leather does not need leather oil. For example, many imitation leathers are pastic-based, or even 100% plastic. They're often waterproof and won't really blot oils rubbed into the surface. Faux leathers can benefit from periodic cleaning, and care based on the specific composition of the material. For more than details and how it's made, click here for an commodity I wrote about faux leather.

Black Leather Couch - Leather Oil - Liberty Leather Goods

Faux Leather Couch

Leather Oil for Suede and Nubuck

Suede and nubuck frequently crave unlike maintenance than other leathers. For more details on its qualities, click here for my article on suede.  A good oil to utilize for suede and nubuck is Saphir'south Medaille d'or Renovateur Suede and Nubuck Spray. It is very gentle and volition probable piece of work all-time when compared to other options/heavier oils out there.

Quality leather goods can concluding decades, fifty-fifty centuries, when properly maintained and cared for. Oiling and conditioning leather periodically is an easy way to help preserve leather goods for a long fourth dimension. Information technology'due south a relatively quick process, and with the correct leather oil, will keep things feeling and looking great. For suggestions on quality options to utilise, click here for my guide to the all-time leather oils and conditioners.

Related Questions

How do you condition leather?

Leather is conditioned by cleaning the surface with a leather cleaner, and then applying a leather oil or conditioner chosen based on the type of leather being treated. Once the leather conditioner is dry, a leather finish (matte or shiny) tin can be added.

Is kokosnoot oil good for leather?

Coconut oil is non recommended for leather. While it might have niche uses, in general information technology'southward a slippery oil that might not fully absorb into the leather, leaving a slick surface that will rub off onto clothing. A leather-specific oil would be all-time.


Source: https://www.libertyleathergoods.com/leather-oil/

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