Coursera Data Structures and Algorithms Specialization Specialization Review

Programming has always been a highly in-demand skill for software developers, more than so these days with innovation in technology. Information Structures and algorithms course the ultimate foundation of programming. They are very useful in solving real globe complex problems. That'due south precisely the reason why tech giants like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon and most product-based companies focus on measuring a candidate's knowledge of algorithms and data structures in their interviews for technical roles. Having audio skill in data structures and algorithms profoundly improves one's problem solving ability and is key to becoming a good programmer.

Too, with so much buzz around Data scientific discipline and Machine Learning, many students and professionals are everyday kick-starting their journeying into these fields. Learning algorithms and data structures is highly important for these folks, especially if they do not come from Computer Science background.

The best way to learn data structures and algorithms is taking an online course. At that place are so many resources bachelor online these days that can really help to improve your skill to the side by side level. Plus it gives yous the ability to become at your ain pace and spend fourth dimension on topics you find difficult to understand. We've compiled this listing of all-time data structures and algorithms courses, classes, tutorials and certification programs available online. These include both free and paid university level courses created by top schools and also classes designed past skilful professionals in the field. We've purposefully included courses for data structures and algorithms in Java, Python, C, C++ and Javascript then that yous understand the implementation better in the language of your option.

Whether you want to learn data structures and algorithms for interviews or to improve your foundational programming skills, but get alee and pick one of these courses.

one. Information Structures and Algorithms Specialization Program (Coursera)

Online Courses by University of California, San Diego This specialization in algorithms and information structures is offered past University of California, San Diego and National Research Found Higher School of Economics. The program is a practiced mix of theory and practice where students larn the theory behind algorithms, implement them in a programming language of their choice and use them to solve practical problems.

The program comprises of 6 courses, starting with theory and basic algorithmic techniques, and so gradually moves to avant-garde algorithms and complexity. It covers following topics:

  • Using data structures in various computational bug
  • Graph information structure
  • Algorithms on graphs
  • Algorithms on strings
  • Advanced algorithmic concepts similar Network flows, linear programming and NP-complete problems

The philosophy of this information structures and algorithms class is learning through doing. Every module comprises of i-2 hours of video lectures, with some embedded quizzes, followed past code solutions to the problem set. Major highlight of this program is particularly created 100 algorithmic coding challenges that help to plough a learner into a pro in algorithmic design. The solutions to these challenges are checked automatically confronting 15+ test cases. These help students larn how to implement, test and debug fast algorithms for solving large and difficult problems in seconds.

Another important feature is that this program is linguistic communication-doubter. Every lecture has pseudocode, and requires students to translate what'south conceptually laid out into lawmaking. This greatly enhances their skill and learning.

The specialization includes two real globe projects – Big Networks (which involves finding Shortest Paths in Road Networks and Social Networks using algorithms which are thousands of times faster than the archetype ones) and Genome Assembly (which involves bioinformatics algorithms to gather a genome from millions of curt Dna fragments).

Key Highlights

  • Near popular information structures and algorithms course on Coursera with more than 142,000 students enrolled at the time of writing
  • Understand bones algorithmic techniques such as greedy algorithms, binary search, sorting and dynamic programming and how to use them to solve programming bug
  • Learning how to pattern examination cases and automate them
  • Learn how assembly algorithms fuel recent developments in personalized medicine
  • Learn to apply graph and string algorithms to solve real-world challenges
  • Understand data structures such as stack, queue, hash table, priority queue, binary search tree, graph and cord and utilise them to solve problems
  • Explore advanced techniques such every bit maximum flow, linear programming, approximate algorithms, Sabbatum-solvers, streaming
  • Flexibility to code bug in one of the following programming languages: Coffee, C, C++, Python2, Python3, C#, Haskell, Javascript, Carmine, Scala

Duration : half dozen-8 months, vi hours per week
Rating : 4.6
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2. Algorithms Specialization by Stanford Academy (Coursera)

Online Courses by Stanford University This Coursera Algorithms specialization is a MOOC offered by Standford University. Agreement the nuts of algorithms and related data structures is essential for doing serious piece of work in almost any branch of Informatics. Therefore Stanford has mandated a version of this course in curriculum of their every Information science caste program – bachelors, masters too as PhD.

This specialization introduces learners to algorithms and focuses on conceptual understanding instead of delving into mathematical details and low-level implementation direct away. It helps to develop the programming and thinking skills of the participants and then that they are well positioned to pursue serious software applied science, ace technical interviews and written report more than avant-garde topics in algorithms.

There are 4 courses in this program that cover following topics:

  • Asymptotic ("Big-oh") notation, sorting and searching algorithms
  • Main method for analyzing divide and conquer algorithms
  • QuickSort algorithm and its analysis
  • Data structures like heaps, balanced search trees, hash tables, bloom filters
  • Dijkstra'due south shortest-path algorithm
  • Breadth-first and depth-commencement search and its applications
  • Greedy algorithms (scheduling, minimum spanning copse, clustering, Huffman codes)
  • Dynamic programming (knapsack, sequence alignment, optimal search copse)
  • Shortest paths algorithms (Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall, Johnson)
  • NP-complete problems and verbal and approximation algorithms for them
  • Local search algorithms for NP-complete problems
  • Strategies for coping with computationally intractable bug similar assay of heuristics

Several types of assessments are included throughout these courses, from multiple choice quizzes at the cease of each module and each course to weekly programming assignments where students are required to implement the algorithms taught in the lesson in a programming language of their choice. It is assumed that students know how to plan in at least ane programming language (like C, Java or Python).

Key Highlights

  • Main the fundamentals of the pattern and analysis of algorithms
  • Content covered is rigorous but emphasizes the big picture and conceptual understanding
  • Taught by Prof. Tim Roughgarden, a renowned and honour-winning professor of Computer Science at Stanford University
  • One of the highest rated algorithms course on Coursera
  • Appeared on diverse acme MOOCs of all time lists

Duration : xvi weeks, 3 hours per week
Rating : four.eight
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iii. Information Structures and Algorithms Nanodegree Certification (Udacity)

Online Courses on Udacity Udacity offers a Nanodegree program in Information Structures and Algorithms. In this plan students learn information structures and algorithms and how to use them to solve a wide range of real globe bug. Information technology is a very hands-on programme, heavy on algorithms and includes 100+ practise problems.

In that location are following four courses in this nanodegree plan:

  1. Welcome – This is a program overview and a Python refresher. Here students deconstruct a series of open-ended bug into smaller components (eg. inputs, outputs, series of functions).
  2. Data Structures – It covers different data structures, and methods used to manipulate these information structures. Information technology explores the advantages and applications of dissimilar data structures. Here students solve a serial of open up-ended practise issues such as LRU Enshroud, Private Blockchain, File Recursion, and many more.
  3. Basic Algorithms – Information technology covers basic algorithms such as searching and sorting on different data structures and how to implement these algorithms using both recursion and without recursion. Here students work on a serial of existent-globe open-concluded bug, such every bit request routing for a spider web server, search-term machine-completion and Fibonacci heap.
  4. Avant-garde Algorithms – It covers advanced algorithms such as fauna-force greedy algorithms, graph algorithms and dynamic programming which optimizes recursion past storing results to sub problems. Here students implement a route planner algorithm to calculate the shortest path between two points on a map (like the 1 used in Google Maps).

In this program, you'll be using Python to implement the algorithms and therefore Udacity expects that you have an intermediate level knowledge of Python programming language and basic knowledge of algebra.

Key Highlights

  • Acquire to evaluate and assess different data structures and algorithms for any real-world problem and implement a solution based on your pattern choices
  • Bully course to ace technical coding interviews
  • Learn to examine the efficiency of various data structures and algorithm implementations
  • Over 100 data structures and algorithm exercises for full hands-on practice
  • Personal mentor support to aid prepare learners for interviews and on-the-job scenarios
  • Complete flexibility to learn at your own pace and schedule

Duration : 4 months, ten hours per week
Rating : four.6
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4. Free Algorithms Class past Princeton University (Coursera)

Online Courses by Princeton University This is a two-role form series on algorithms offered for free by Princeton University. Both the courses take been very well received by the students making them ane of the highest ranked algorithms courses on Coursera with a rating of iv.9 out of v. The courses provide an introduction to algorithms and data structures with emphasis on applications and scientific performance assay of Coffee implementations. Though the concepts are language contained, the solutions and implementations are done in Java.

  1. Algorithms, Part I – It covers elementary information structures (like linked lists, stacks, queues, binary heaps, and hash tables etc.) and sorting & searching algorithms (like binary search, quicksort, mergesort, insertion sort, option sort, shellsort etc.)
  2. Algorithms, Function Two – It focuses on graph and string processing algorithms and more avant-garde concepts used in awarding evolution. It covers undirected graphs, directed graphs, minimum spanning tree problem, shortest-paths bug, maximum menses and minimum cutting problems and algorithms used for solving these problems.

The instructors of these courses Kevin Wayne and Robert Sedgewick are highly acclaimed and expert authors and lecturers. Robert Sedgewick has also authored Algorithms book along with Kevin Wayne, which is one of the best books to learn Data Structure and Algorithms in Java.

This course serial focuses on understanding algorithms by implementing and testing them. It assumes that students have bones familiarity with Java and requires that all programming assignments be submitted in Java. All the course materials are bachelor for complimentary including the graded assignments and no certificate is offered upon completion of the courses.

Key Highlights

  • Pinnacle gratis form on algorithms with an average rating of four.9 and more than than 671000 student enrolments
  • Learn to analyze the performance of algorithms using scientific methods
  • Explore various applications of stacks and queues ranging from parsing arithmetic expressions to simulating queueing systems
  • Discuss awarding of sorting to computing the convex hull via the Graham browse algorithm
  • Acquire B-trees that are widely used to implement file systems
  • Learn nearly cadre data structures and algorithms used in everyday applications and sympathize the trade-offs involved with choosing each data structure forth with traversal, retrieval, and update algorithms
  • Study and implement several classic data compression schemes

Duration : half-dozen weeks, 8-x hours per week
Rating : four.9
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5. MicroMasters Program in Algorithms and Information Structures by UC San Diego (edX)

Online Courses by University of California, San Diego This 8-course Algorithms and Data Structures plan is offered on edX by University of California, San Diego. It aims to assistance students master the algorithmic programming techniques and become a job. The focus of this program is on learning through application, so course creators take invested thousands of hours in designing over i hundred algorithm challenges. Learners solve various computational problems through implementing these algorithmic coding challenges in a programming linguistic communication of their selection.

The eight courses in this program cover the following topics:

  1. Algorithmic Design and Techniques – Learn how to design algorithms, solve computational problems and implement solutions efficiently.
  2. Data Structures Fundamentals – Acquire about information structures that are used in computational thinking – both basic and advanced.
  3. Graph Algorithms – Larn how to utilize algorithms to explore graphs, compute shortest altitude, min spanning tree, and connected components.
  4. NP-Consummate Problems – Learn nigh NP-complete problems, known as difficult bug that can't be solved efficiently, and practice solving them using algorithmic techniques.
  5. String Processing and Pattern Matching Algorithms – Learn near pattern matching and string processing algorithms and how they use to interesting applications.
  6. Dynamic Programming – Acquire how dynamic programming and Subconscious Markov Models can be used in machine learning and genomics to compare genetic strings and uncover evolution.
  7. Graph Algorithms in Genome Sequencing – Learn how graphs are used to assemble millions of pieces of Dna into a contiguous genome and apply these genomes to construct a Tree of Life.
  8. Algorithms and Information Structures Capstone Project – Synthesize your knowledge of algorithms and biology to build your own software for solving a biological challenge.

The MicroMasters programme offers learners a credential for career advancement at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) upon successful completion of the seven courses and the Capstone Project. If a learner applies for access to the RIT's Master of Scientific discipline in Professional Studies plan at every bit part of the university'south School of Individualized Study (SOIS), and is accustomed, the edX MicroMasters program document volition count towards 25% of the coursework required the Grand.Due south. degree at RIT.

Key Highlights

  • Sympathise essential algorithmic techniques and utilize them to solve real life computational problems
  • Abundant programming challenges to aid students land a top software technology job
  • Implement programs that work in less than one second even on massive datasets
  • Testify correctness of an algorithm and clarify its running time
  • Become tips and tricks to teach learners best coding practices

Duration : ix months, viii-10 hours per week
Rating : 4.7
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half dozen. JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Masterclass (Udemy)

Online Courses on Udemy This class on algorithms and information structures in Javascript by Colt Steele is amid the most highly rated and reviewed courses on this subject on Udemy. Whether one is looking to ace a coding interview or become a better programmer or improve ane's problem solving skills, this grade turns out to be a groovy fit as it focuses on edifice a complete computer science foundation so that one can solve any computational trouble.

The course packs months of computer science and interview prep material into about 22 hours of video lessons. Colt has drawn the content of this course directly from his in-person coding bootcamps that have helped several of his students to cleft interviews at huge companies like Google, Tesla, Amazon and Facebook. The course starts with the nuts and then gradually covers advanced topics similar Heaps, Graphs etc. It teaches the following topics:

  • How to assess your own lawmaking and compare algorithms every bit far as time and space complexity is concerned using Big O notation
  • Details of Recursion
  • Five step approach to solving any coding problem
  • Programming patterns and interview strategies
  • Dozens of algorithms including searching and sorting algorithms
  • More than than x data structures and how to implement them from scratch
  • How to traverse trees and graphs
  • Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm
  • Dynamic Programming

This is a very interactive form with over 85 coding exercises where students are expected to attempt out every problem on their own before the instructor walks them through solution options. Apart from video lectures, it includes 32 articles and 80 downloadable resources.

Primal Highlights

  • Best Udemy class to learn data structures and algorithms in JavaScript
  • Principal common problem solving patterns
  • Learn everything you need to crack difficult programming interviews
  • Cover half dozen different sorting algorithms: bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, quick sort, merge sort, and radix sort
  • Implement over 10 data structures including stacks, queues, linked lists, copse, heaps, hash tables, and graphs
  • A complete solution walkthrough video as well as accompanying solution file for every single trouble included in the class
  • Learn helpful tips and tricks to solve common algorithmic issues

Elapsing : 21.5 hours on-demand video
Rating : four.7
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7. Python for Data Structures, Algorithms, and Interviews (Udemy)

Online Courses on Udemy This Udemy data structures and algorithms course is offered past Jose Portilla, who has taught thousands of students most Python programming and Information Science. He has created this course to assist students with the coding interview process at the top technology companies. It is basically a three-in-one course that covers data structures and algorithms in Python and technical coding interview questions along with solutions to them and non technical interview preparation like resume reviews and in-person interview prep.

The course content is spread over 200+ video lectures that explain a detail topic, accompanied past a notebook of written code and explanations. Primarily the class focuses on the following:

  • Non-technical interview preparation – covers creating resume, creating LinkedIn and Github profiles, post-interview topics related to salary negotiation and references training)
  • Data Structures and Algorithms – covers algorithm analysis and Big-O notation, array sequences, stacks queues and deques, linked lists, recursion, trees, searching and sorting algorithms, graph algorithms etc.
  • Practice interview coding problems
  • Tech company mock interviews

This course is a bang-up fit for students and professionals who know Python and want to learn about data structures and algorithms and also prepare for tech interviews.

Key Highlights

  • Acquire all major Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Create a LinkedIn and Github profile for recruiters to find
  • Build and leverage a network for chore opportunities
  • Access to give-and-take forums and community of students
  • Mock interviews to prepare students better for the real technical coding interviews
  • Full lifetime access to all video lectures, manufactures and downloadable resources and future updates
  • 30 day coin back guarantee from Udemy

Duration : 16.5 hours on-demand video
Rating : iv.4
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viii. Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java (Udemy)

Online Courses on Udemy This course by Tim Buchalka and his team is i of the best data structures and algorithms course in Java on Udemy. Information technology focuses on the implementations of information structures and algorithms to give learners a complete understanding of how things work, rather than merely theory alone. What makes this course unique is that spends a lot more time looking at what'due south available in the JDK, so students improve understand how things work under the hood and can employ this understanding to their own futurity programming projects.

The course covers the following topics:

  • Large O notation
  • Arrays
  • Linked Lists
  • Binary trees, balanced trees like AVL trees and Blood-red-black trees
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Hashtables
  • Heaps including heapsort algorithm
  • Associative arrays
  • Dictionaries
  • Graph algorithms
  • Sort algorithms
  • Search algorithms

This course is ideal for those who have some Java programming skills and are looking to obtain a good understanding of information structures and algorithms. But fifty-fifty experienced developers will observe this course useful. Those looking to find their first or next meliorate programming job or freelance every bit a software programmer will also benefit immensely from this form.

Key Highlights

  • Highly rated and nearly subscribed Udemy form in information structures and algorithms using Java programming linguistic communication
  • Get a consummate and concrete agreement of almost popular and well used data structures and be able to confidently utilise them in your day to 24-hour interval java programming
  • Learn what's available in the JDK for storing and sorting data
  • Code an implementation of each data structure
  • Acquire many of the algorithms commonly used to sort data, so your applications will perform efficiently when sorting large datasets
  • Complete source code is included and is bachelor for download

Duration : 16 hours on-demand video
Rating : 4.four
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9. Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++ (Udemy)

Online Courses on Udemy With more than 56 hours of video lessons, this is the most comprehensive and immersive course on information structures and algorithms in C and C++. It focuses on three aspects of learning data structures – understanding the theory and concepts, analysing the data structures and various operations on them and implementing data structures using c and c++.

The class starts with a refresher on essential C and C++ concepts. It covers the post-obit topics on data structures and algorithms:

  • Recursion
  • Arrays Representations
  • Array ADT
  • Matrices
  • Sparse Matrix and Polynomial Representation
  • Linked Lists
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Trees
  • Binary Search Copse
  • AVL Trees
  • Heaps
  • Graphs
  • sorting Techniques
  • Hashing Technique
  • Asymptotic Notations similar Big O, Omega, Theta

The instructor of the class Abdul Bari delves deep into each topic, using Whiteboard to write each line of code and explain it in an like shooting fish in a barrel to grasp style. He discusses, analyses and implements every information structure with a practical line-by-line coding.
This class requires students to have a basic prior knowledge of C and some noesis of C++ like classes and objects. Information technology is well suited for aspiring or current programmers who desire to empathize data structures thoroughly and utilize them in developing applications.

Key Highlights

  • Learn a diverseness of information structures and their algorithms, and exist able to cull the best data structure for your data and applications
  • Practical demonstrations using both C and C++ programming languages
  • Learn Recursive Algorithms on Data Structures
  • Larn about various Sorting Algorithms
  • Build confidence to accept up any challenging coding problem using Data Structures
  • Source code of all programs and exercises is bachelor for download

Duration : 56.5 hours on-demand video
Rating : 4.half-dozen
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x. Master the Coding Interview: Data Structures + Algorithms (Udemy)

Online Courses on Udemy This is Udemy's virtually pop and all-time coding interview course for developers and programmers out there. It teaches the key building blocks of computer science which requite learners a big heave during interviews. The goal of this course is to take the programming skills of the participants to the adjacent level by teaching the principles and cardinal ideas, and doing exercises and problems stride by stride, so learners sympathize why and how things work nether the hood.

This course is actually two-courses built into 1:

  • Starting time function is computer science theory and technical coding interview problems. Here students learn information structures, algorithms and Big O notation from scratch. They as well larn how to clarify problems using Dynamic programming. Each section has several real life interview issues that have been selected based on importance from big tech company interviews.
  • Second part is not-technical interview grooming. At that place are sections that take students from how to get more than interviews; how to format resume, portfolio, LinkedIn and GitHub profiles; how to answers mutual non-technical questions; how to handle offers and negotiate a raise.

Learners go a lifetime access to over 200 video lectures and well every bit cheat sheets on resumes, interview problems and step by pace instructions on what to do during a whiteboard interview.

Everything that is taught in this form is not programming linguistic communication specific. Though, JavaScript is used to demonstrate code, all the principles, and questions you larn can be done in whatever programming language. Therefore the course assumes learners to accept a basic agreement of whatsoever 1 programming language.

The course is instructed by Andrei Neagoie, a senior software developer who has consulted and worked with some of the biggest tech firms in the Silicon Valley. His courses are amongst the highest rated courses on Udemy.

Fundamental Highlights

  • Acquire, implement, and apply dissimilar Data Structures
  • Learn, implement and use dissimilar Algorithms
  • The strategies, lessons and exercises in this course profoundly help learners country offers from big tech companies
  • Be able to write lawmaking that runs faster and use depression memory
  • Become more confident and prepared for your adjacent coding interview
  • Excellent fit for self-taught developers to learn the fundamentals of algorithms and data structures to get on the aforementioned level as someone with computer science degree
  • Get admission to individual online chat community with thousands of developers online

Elapsing : 19 hours on-need video
Rating :
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More Data Structures & Algorithms Courses

11. Accelerated Figurer Science Fundamentals Specialization by University of Illinois (Coursera)

Online Courses by University of Illinois This Coursera Specialization from the Academy of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign teaches fundamental computer science algorithms and data structures. It is a three-grade program adult past CS Professor Wade Fagen-Ulmschneider to give students a performance pathway into computers and data science.

The three courses cover the following topics. C++ is used as the language for implementing the data structures and algorithms taught in these courses.

  • Practical programming techniques, including object-oriented programming in C++ and its Standard Template Library, for product-level programming of efficient software applications.
  • Basic data structures including arrays, linked lists, stacks and queues, trees, heaps, hash tables, and graphs, as well as efficient algorithms for constructing, searching, and optimizing these structures.
  • Analysis of asymptotic running time and retentiveness utilization of the algorithms used on these data structures.

The plan is full of coding challenges that crave students to write C++ code fragments in a web based interface. Each course also includes 2 projects where students implement C++ programs to perform tasks such every bit editing images, efficiently manipulating data structures, or solving a graph search problem.

The Department of Information science at Illinois University is consistently ranked as one of the superlative computer scientific discipline programs in the world. This specialization helps prospective applicants of the Online Master of Computer science (MCS) and MCS in Data Science prepare for the Online MCS Entrance Exam. Learners of this specialization gain the necessary abilities in object-oriented programming, algorithms and information structures to be prepared for advanced study in graduate-level CS coursework at the University of Illinois, and raise their application for admission.

Central Highlights

  • Fantabulous for learning data structures and algorithms in C++
  • Provides a solid foundation for students interested in advanced reckoner science report
  • Learn to ascertain object-oriented classes that encapsulate data structures and algorithms
  • Analyze the running fourth dimension and space needs of an algorithm, asymptotically to ensure it is appropriate at calibration, including for big data

Elapsing : three months, v hours per week
Rating : 4.eight
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12. Python Data Structures by University of Michigan (Coursera)

Online Courses by University of Michigan Learning how to store, represent and dispense data collections while a programme is running is an important part of learning how to program. This information structures course in Python is role of the Python for Everybody Specialization on Coursera offered by University of Michigan. Information technology provides an introduction to the cadre data structures of the Python programming linguistic communication. This is one of the highest rated courses with a rating of 4.9 and more than half a million students who accept already taken this course.

The course explores how we tin can use the Python congenital-in data structures to perform increasingly complex information analysis. It is a relatively curt class requiring almost 19 hours of try to stop. It covers the post-obit:

  • Lists
  • Dictionaries
  • Tuples

The class is taught past Dr. Charles Severance (a.1000.a. Dr. Chuck), a Clinical Professor at the University of Michigan School of Information, where he teaches diverse engineering science-oriented courses including programming, database design, and Spider web evolution. Dr. Chuck is the author of famous book Python for Everybody.

Key Highlights

  • Explain the principles of data structures & how they are used
  • Learn to store information as central/value pairs using Python dictionaries
  • Learn to use tuples in conjunction with dictionaries to accomplish multi-step tasks like sorting or looping through all of the information in a lexicon
  • Create programs that are able to read and write data from files
  • Several practice quizzes and graded programming assignments included in the course
  • Self-paced learning

Duration : Approx. xix hours
Rating : four.9
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thirteen. Free Algorithms Course by IIT Mumbai (edX)

Online Courses by IIT Bombay This edX Algorithms course has been created by expert kinesthesia members of Department of Information science and Technology at the prestigious IIT Bombay. Information technology is a part of IIT Bombay's Fundamentals of Computer Science XSeries Plan and focuses on teaching students how to structure and use algorithms to solve real life problems.

In this computer scientific discipline class, students learn how to call up most algorithms and apply best techniques to implement them. Following topics are covered in the grade:

  • Sorting algorithms such as quick sort and merge sort
  • Searching algorithms
  • Median finding
  • Order statistics
  • String algorithms
  • Numerical algorithms
  • Geometric algorithms similar Polynomial Multiplication
  • Matrix Operations, GCD, Design Matching, Subsequences, Sweep, and Convex Hull
  • Graph algorithms like shortest path and spanning tree

This is an intermediate level algorithms grade, then students are expected to have bones knowledge of data structures and their implementation.

Key Highlights

  • Top online course on Algorithms that promises to develop deep algorithm thinking in learners
  • Empathise the structure of important algorithms
  • Learn how to apply algorithms with appropriate information structures, to solve real life problems
  • Improves belittling and trouble solving skills
  • Helpful for peachy technical coding interviews at tech companies
  • Understand the importance of efficient algorithms in terms of time and space complication
  • Learn how algorithms and data structures tin be used to pattern system at scale
  • Available for complimentary, option to add a verified certificate by paying a small fee

Duration : six weeks, 6-viii hours per week
Rating : 4.5
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xiv. Programming Foundations: Algorithms (LinkedIn Learning – Lynda)

Online Courses on LinkedIn Learning - Lynda Algorithms are the universal building blocks of programming. They offering a way to think virtually programming challenges in manifestly English, before they are translated into a specific language like Python, C or JavaScript. This course on Algorithms teaches some of the most popular and useful algorithms for searching and sorting information, working with techniques like recursion, and understanding common data structures.

Following topics are covered in the grade:

  • Mutual data structures like arrays, linked lists, stacks and queues, hash tables etc.
  • Recursion, ability and factorial
  • Data sorting algorithms like bubble sort, merge sort, quicksort
  • Data searching algorithms similar ordered list search, unordered listing search, determine if a list is sorted
  • Several other advanced algorithms
  • Measuring Algorithm performance

This Algorithms course is taught past Joe Marini who has been programming professionally for more than than 30 years for companies similar Adobe, Microsoft, and Google. He is a featured speaker at manufacture conferences and has authored several books and publications on web and software development.

This Algorithms class requires students exist familiar with basic principles of programming, and be comfortable using a text editor to write and debug code. Python linguistic communication is used in this course to work through the examples. None of the algorithms learnt are specific to Python, so those who are non familiar with Python simply know some other programming language can too hands follow along. Having some bones programming knowledge of Python will exist an added reward though.

Key Highlights

  • Larn about of the pop algorithms and related data structures
  • Acquire performance implications of different algorithms and sympathize how to evaluate the functioning of a given algorithm
  • Larn to implement the algorithms in Python programming linguistic communication
  • All exercise files bachelor for download
  • Concepts taught can be applied to any programming language
  • One-month free trial available

Duration : Self-Paced
Rating : four.four
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15. Algorithms and Data Structures – Part 1 (PluralSight)

Online Courses on PluralSight This is a two-office serial of courses on algorithms and data structures offered by online didactics platform PluralSight. These courses focus on core data structures and algorithms used in day to day applications. Students also learn the merchandise-offs involved with choosing each data structure, along with traversal, retrieval, and update algorithms.

  1. Role i – It covers basic data structures like linked lists, stacks, queues, binary trees, and hash tables.
  2. Role 2 – Information technology covers data sorting algorithms, string searching algorithms, sets, AVL trees and concurrency issues.

These are beginner level courses and can exist taken by anyone interested in learning near data structures and algorithms, and how they are oft used in applications. One should take working knowledge of a programming language to benefit from these courses.

Key Highlights

  • Comprehensive courses to larn algorithms and information structures
  • Courses created by industry experts and renowned teachers
  • Access to total library of courses including more than 7,500 courses at a pocket-size monthly fee
  • Free access to all course content for 10 days afterwards signup
  • Flexible learning at one's own comfort

Elapsing : Approx. 6 hours on-demand video
Rating : 4.5
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